Barbara’s story

My journey with aware parenting started before my daughter was born. I attended a Calmbirth workshop and was excited to be ready to bring her into the world without drugs or medical intervention. My Calmbirth booklet had Marion’s description of Aletha Solter’s ‘The...

Lara and Zach’s story

My son Zach’s sleep problems began at eight weeks of age, after he was immunised. Athough previously a great sleeper, since that time, he woke every hour – occasionally every two hours – and sometimes as frequently as every 20-30 minutes. I tried...

Hannah and Adaya’s story

Adaya (5 months old) also has a breast feeding control pattern, from me of course!, that I am working on releasing. Not too long ago, probably about 2 months ago, she did start waking every 2 hours again. There was a lot of stress in the house (due to relationship...

Marita’s story

I am noticing changes already in Eli. by supporting him to cry …. He gives more eye contact, seems happier in himself. I am more relaxed too and enjoying him more. Mealtimes are more relaxed and he’s eating more surprisingly I bring more good news… We are...
Susan’s story

Susan’s story

My baby cried this morning. He cried and cried and cried. Close to an hour of constant heart felt tears. He squirmed his tiny body next to mine on our family bed. He cried hard, tears streaming down his face. He pushed his head firmly into the pillow and thrashed his...