How babies and children learn to repress their feelings and our choices to respond
Hello! I’d like to start with: My journey with feelings and repressing feelings. I’d love to share my own journey with this over the years. When I trained as a psychospiritual psychotherapist in the 1990’s, I learnt all about feelings and addictions and...
How I helped my son heal from some of his birth experiences as a newborn
Hello again! I am so grateful for Aware Parenting for so many reasons. One that jumped out at me today, when I was making a meme about babies healing from their birthing experiences, was after my son was born. My son was posterior. My daughter had been posterior too,...
Babies Have Real Feelings – part three
Hello again! Here are PART ONE and PART TWO. I want to preface part three with a reminder that listening to a baby’s feelings is not for everyone. AND we can listen to...Read moreOne of the many things I love about Aware Parenting is that it can make breast-feeding even more wonderful for mother and baby.