Aware Parenting Courses

Aware Parenting was developed by Aletha Solter, Ph.D.
I’ve been practicing Aware Parenting since 2002 –
I am the mother of a 21 year old daughter and a 16 year old son. I’ve been an Aware Parenting Instructor since 2005 and have been creating Aware Parenting online courses since 2014.
I’m a Level Two Aware Parenting Instructor –
This means that coming to one of my twice-a-year 6-hour workshops counts towards Aware Parenting Instructor certification requirements. I’m also the regional coordinator for Australia and New Zealand,
Free Intro Courses
If you’re new to Aware Parenting
and want to understand what it is, these are designed for you!
ebook | audio | video
“Thank you for creating this Introduction to Aware Parenting.
I didn’t know about Aware Parenting until I came across it and it resonated in my whole being,
I couldn’t put your ebook down, I remember thinking “OMG, that’s it!”
It all made so much sense to me, it’s hard to explain, it came from a deep gut feeling of “of course!”
I felt that what you were explaining, was what my parents did not understand themselves.
You put words on an obvious (yet non-verbal) deep inner knowing I had inside myself when it comes to understanding children (and adults).
I felt that if all parents on Earth were able to understand that and to reconnect with this inner knowing, the World would be a very different place. I have shared your “Introduction to Aware Parenting” to the hundreds of parents that have contacted me in the last three years.
I felt so blessed to be part of your (Aware Parenting Instructor) Mentoring course.
And I feel so grateful to have found my path in life, I wake up every morning excited about sharing the Aware Parenting ideas… and it all started with your Introduction to it. So, once again, thank you, Marion.”
Powerful play
Specific Topics
These are for you if you resonate with Aware Parenting
and want to learn more about these topics.
Children playing before bed video
AUD $11.11
Aware Parenting Babies Q & A Vault
AUD $111
Video | Audio | PDF Series
Detailed yet concise slideshows also available in audio format and a beautiful PDF,
including self-reflections so that you can tailor the information to yourself and your family.
Natural presence
If you want to deepen your own practice
of Aware Parenting, these are for you!
Attachment Play Course
AUD $222
“So we are only halfway through the course but I just wanted to share how it’s changed our family.
Although we spend a lot of time with our 2 children and actively engage with them, I often felt totally exhausted by the end of the day and totally frustrated by some of the behaviour between my 2.5-year-old son and 14-month-old daughter as well as towards us.
It felt like I was giving so much of myself and it still wasn’t enough and that I was somewhat inadequate in my mothering.
I had done the Aware Parenting Babies course when my daughter was 9 months which helped with severe sleeping issues at the time but this course has made me see the magic in my children again as we have expanded our play repertoire beyond hide and seek, building blocks and hours in the sand pit which were getting so boring to me and thus turning present time more into resentment time as I was thinking of all the other things I could/should be doing in that time.
If only I could bottle up the love and happiness in their eyes as we play games like ‘no puppies on the lounge’ or ‘yes your majesty’ or ‘don’t you…’
The results are hardly any more whiny times, dramatically reduced sibling rivalry, hitting and biting and I can finally change my daughter’s nappy again with laughter instead of struggle!
Requests are also mostly being followed. Control patterns such as comforter-use have totally reduced too!
My son has become so much kinder and more willing to share in the last few weeks in situations where I was mentally prepared for major meltdowns.
It’s like a “have you swapped my child?” kind of scenario.
I can not thank Marion Rose enough for the gift that you have and how you share it with those of us willing to learn, adapt and transform.
And I can almost laugh at some of my past thoughts, reactions and behaviour and rather than meeting that with judgement – you have also taught us why we react and judge ourselves and to instead meet it with compassion and ensure our own needs cups are filled!
It really is like a little bit of magic.
I am forever grateful to have learned so much already from the course and all of you fellow parents who have shared experiences and thoughts.
I haven’t been able to stop talking about it with my friends for the power it’s had to change things from a little mundane to totally fun our family.
As Christmas draws closer and our kids have already started receiving presents that occupy them for short periods of time, it’s so obvious that they don’t even come close to bringing any real happiness and belly laughter to them like true presence does with different types of play.
That’s why we loved all the inspiration and videos from the laughter lists in a time when our own imagination was lacking or understanding what the games can inadvertently achieve.”
“I will never forget the day I was walking to lunch with a colleague, who I knew had children. I asked my colleague (now dear friend) if she had any wisdom on how to handle tantrums.
Instinctively, punishment/walking away did not feel right for us but I was looking for an answer that resonated. Her answer, which led me to Marion and Aware Parenting, has been transformative in both my life and my son’s.
Marion’s Attachment Play course gave me the perfect amount of theory and lots of practical games to play in different situations and is an excellent first course to try, in my opinion.
Marion’s demo videos gave me confidence that I had the intention of the game right and was playing them “properly”.
The games can be slotted into our busy lives during day-to-day activities (like bath and bedtime, car rides, meals, play time, walking in the door from work etc.) and adapted to suit your child.
They may be the difference between sitting on the edge of the bath/bed/[insert relevant moment] with your mind a thousand miles away and reigniting the most vital connection in your child’s life.
I hope that you will have as much fun as we have creating your own versions! My best tip – even at 2yo, my son would sometimes look at me like “Mummy, for real?” with some of the games, whilst others had him belly-laughing in no time. You can pick and choose what works for your family!!
On days where present time was an impossibility, I always found an attachment game that we could do even when I was on my knees with exhaustion.
On many, many occasions, Marion’s attachment play games have brought my son and I back to connection (and sanity).
When I hear my son laughing from deep in his soul, knowing I have found a way to support him in facing his fears and assist him in dealing with some of the hardest parts of being a kid today, I want to high-5 the universe.
The knowledge that these games work and the results for my son give me the confidence to grow as a mum and stay compassionately committed in the face of resistance to our chosen approach.
After playing Marion’s games frequently, imagine my absolute joy when my son said to me “Mummy, I like myself” – the best statement a mum could ever hear. Better yet, almost every night before sleep he wants to talk about his day and his feelings (usually after some solid attachment play).
Something else occurred to me writing the above. I watch my Nana (almost 90yo) who even now with almost no resources other than her voice and body can keep children entertained for hours and always marvelled at her and thought I could never do that.
It feels to me like we are swamped with media messages that unless we continually buy new and exciting toys and provide TV/youtube etc, our kids will suffer, be bored and disengaged.
Marion’s course made me realise my own power to create, entertain and connect with my child.
Thank you Marion, for your life’s work in empowering mums and kids!!!!”

“Four years on from doing the course I’m still so appreciative of it and everything we learnt.
I was just reflecting last night as my two year old fell asleep how grateful I am for this approach and understanding.
She worked through the hurts of the day – the balloons popping at the party, Daddy picking her up and carrying her across the kitchen rather than Mummy etc, crying about them one by one, telling me while I listened lovingly and then she said “sleepy now” and happily fell asleep (and slept all night!).
Initially the course was a life saver with a five month old waking up 7+ times a night.
Within a few months we were all getting more sleep but more than that it has totally changed our parenting approach and Aware Parenting has been such a blessing.
It’s a radical thing that could change the world!
But it’s also a really practical tool for being happier as a family and feeling more connected every day.
I’m still so grateful for the lessons I learnt on this course and through your work Marion and we have so much fun at bedtime.
When there’s squealing laughter and silly games as we put on PJs and brush teeth I’m so glad that I don’t share the cultural belief that we have to get children to “wind down” at bedtime!
That would be like trying to squeeze an octopus into a Tupperware box…fighting their nature!
But with rough and tumble, laughter and tears if they need them bedtimes are much more relaxing for all of us.
Sometimes I forget and find myself moving towards old patterns and then I have to give myself a little refresher…I especially turn to your and Lael’s podcast which re-ignites my understanding and connecting and for which I’m so grateful too!
Basically thank you wonder woman for all that you do.”
The Loving Limits Deep Dive
AUD $111
Aware Parenting Babies Course
AUD $395
The Aware Parenting with Marion Course
AUD $999. Payment plan available
Family harmony
Aware Parenting
Instructor Mentoring Course
If you want to become an Aware Parenting Instructor,
the Mentoring Course is for you!
Aware Parenting Instructor Mentoring Course
Doors open in February for a 1st of March start
“Doing the AWPIMC has been one of the most profound training experiences I have had.
It has stirred and helped me in every area of my life, but at my pace, whenever I was ready for it.
The material is abundant, the growth triggered is deep, and the way it is delivered makes it convenient and easy for busy mums and professionals.
I also absolutely relish the connections created through the Facebook group. I am truly happy to have done it.”
“I cannot even begin to find the words of gratitude that I feel for all that you have taught me and inspire in me this year.
I feel so blessed to have met you and to have been a part of your very first AWPIMC [in 2015].
I’d love for you to know that my son, and my husband and I have gained so much from everything it has offered from the content, to the support calls, the webinars (even though I didn’t always make it in person) and the Facebook group.
However, Marion, I mostly want to share that it has been your beautiful soul that has made such an impact on me this year. You are one of a very few people in my life that I feel so safe to be around and express my deepest fears or worries to, or my intuitive thoughts. You have always made me feel so loved, valued, accepted and heard.
Your love and passion in holding such a space for me (and many others) bestowed the greatest gift for me this year, which I can say I have truly embodied in such a way that I will NEVER look back.
That is the gift of a fierce love and compassion for myself, and an acceptance of myself at a level that I’ve never had before.
You helped me understand how to identify my unmet needs and helped me understand that I have a right to have my needs met, whether it was through myself or through support from another… Some of the loving and compassionate belief systems that you have role modelled to us (both personally and professionally) were my guiding beacon of what is possible….
Marion, you’ve showed me in many ways, how by being your authentic self and sharing your gifts, you can influence others in the most subtle yet profound ways. So thank you… from the bottom of my heart. I’m forever grateful. xxx”
“Marion’s course has been a wonderfully inspiring learning journey for me which has enhanced my work no end!
I had been working with similar approaches to Aware Parenting in my sleep work for a while, so I was excited to find Marion’s Instructor course, which would give me the opportunity to enhance my understanding and depth of knowledge.
Embarking on Marion’s Aware Parenting Instructor Mentoring Course was a bit of a risk as I had little spare time for more courses.
However, one of the great aspects of Marion’s course is the timing and pacing. The course is paced over 9 months, and there’s no pressure to ‘keep up’, learning can be self-paced and information easily accessible.
Because the information was presented in bite sized pieces, I found myself delving in and really enjoying absorbing the information and taking time over the sections that I found particularly fascinating.
Not only does the course cover the theory of Aware Parenting, it covers all the skills and requirements that may be involved in teaching Aware Parenting and being an instructor.
The online discussion opportunities and group meetings were also empowering learning opportunities for reflection, developing listening and support skills.
All in all, I’m so glad I took the course – it is inspiring and empowering, as well as deeply emotive at times of self-reflection.
It has enhanced my work on all levels. I can’t recommend Marion’s course highly enough. Thank you, Marion Rose!”
If you want individual support to make a living being an Aware Parenting Instructor,
perhaps you’d like 1-1 Aware Parenting Instructor Mentoring!
1-1 Aware Parenting Instructor Mentoring
Message me for details and to see if we’re a fit!
Connection and understanding