
Are you highly sensitive?


Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?


In these times, I believe that your gifts are particularly needed!


Many of the people I work with would describe themselves as Highly Sensitive.


I would describe myself in that way too.


I find that Highly Sensitive people:



are often drawn to parenting paradigms in ways that honour connection, compassion and choice;


have been feeling concern and compassion for humans and other-than-humans for some time;


have felt deeply about how Gaia is being treated;


have tended to look for ways of supporting children’s learning without coercion and punishment;


have found or created online support communities;


have set up work from home and online;


(and I also want to say, of course, there are MANY people who would not describe themselves as Highly Sensitive, who are also doing these too!)


High sensitivity also exists in animals other than humans.


I see high sensitivity as an adaptive way of supporting a species and creating safety.


I think that highly sensitive beings are often able to perceive things before others do.


And I have been having a clear sense that, in these times, Highly Sensitive people have particular gifts to offer.


If you’ve already been parenting in ways that honour connection, compassion and choice, those gifts are needed more now than ever, as so many children are now at home.


If you’ve been feeling deep concern and compassion for all beings, your loving compassion is such a gift during these times.


If you feel deeply connected with Gaia, your inklings about what is happening now for Her are important to feel and know and share.


If you have experience of supporting children’s learning without coercion and punishment, there are so many parents now at home with children who are usually at school, also at home, who would love to learn from you.


If you are already familiar with online support communities, you can help others who are more familiar with in-person community, to make that transition online.


If you already work from home and online, there are so many people now who would love to learn from your experiences.


If you are familiar and comfortable with inner enquiry and deep self-connection, these experiences are beautiful gifts for others.


As a Highly Sensitive Person, it took me many years to go from my childhood and teenage beliefs that “there was something wrong with me for being ’so’ sensitive,” to deeply valuing my sensitivity.


I have a sense that collectively, there is now a profound invitation to value the qualities that HSP often have, that we can all connect in with.


I’d love to hear if you resonate, and I’d love to hear if you are wanting to share more of your gifts in these times.


If you want to find out more about Highly Sensitive People and Children, I recommend the work of Elaine Aron.


It’s not just for HSP, but is a deeply compassionate space if you are an HSP!


Do you consider yourself an HSP, and what qualities or gifts or knowings do you have that you believe are of value during these times?


Big love! xoxox