
All things and beings are connected


Hello dear friends,



I felt called to share a bit about the miraculousness that happened the day before yesterday, because it shows how I relate with consciousness in my day to day life.


Mary Walker and I were having a conversation on Voxer (a messaging app) about the Room: A place for Conversations with Life, and I was listening to her message offering to share something that she’d already made with the Room.


I knew that it was really beautiful, what she’d made.


At that moment, Feather the Frenchie was right beside me and he started sneezing profusely, and shaking violently.


I dropped my phone on my bed to attend to him. I felt really really scared. I thought something terrible was happening to him. A few moments later, the sneezing and shaking stopped and he seemed fine. I imagined that something had got in his nose and he’d sneezed it out.


Later that day, he was lying on my dressing gown on the sofa and as I gently pulled the dressing gown out from underneath him, he squealed. He was obviously feeling pain when I the movement moved him.


I got close to him and tried to work out what was painful. He got on the floor and was clearly in pain. Every so often he would move and would squeal.


I observed and contemplated, and came to the conclusion that it was possible that in the violent sneezing and shaking, he had hurt himself – perhaps a muscle, or something more.


I kept on observing him, and listened in to whether I needed to take him to the vet.


I did muscle testing, and got a, ‘no’ for taking him to the vet. I used a method I’ve learnt from Tracey Kay Coe, and also got a ‘no’ with that for going to the vet.


I gave him homeopathics, and he fell asleep for the night.


The next morning, he was clearly still uncomfortable. He sat on my lap. When I got up, I tried to move his head so that it wouldn’t knock on the floor and he squealed. He seemed comfortable if he stayed still, but movement was painful.


I still got a ‘no’ for taking him to the vet.


I believe that the animals that live with us are some of our strongest messengers.


So many times, I’ve found that the animals that live with me or that come to my home, like the wild Welcome Swallows that sleep inside my home, are communicating, and every day I experience that whilst I’m in the garden, seeing the willy wagtails, the black or white cockatoos, and other black and white and other birds that often visit.


The animals that live with me seem to communicate most loudly!


So, I thought to myself, what is Feather telling me?


I realised that the sneezing had happened when I’d been listening to Mary talk about bringing even more beauty to the Room.


I thought about Feather feeling pain when I pulled my dressing gown out from underneath him, and the phrase, ‘having the rug pulled out from underneath me,’ showed up.


I asked myself, “when have I felt pain from having the rug pulled out from underneath me in a way that was connected with beauty?” and straight away I knew the answer.


I won’t go into detail out of respect for others involved, but I recalled a deeply painful event when I had experienced the rug being pulled out from underneath me that was related to beauty.


From that experience, I’d concluded that expressing beauty, such as with my home, or in photographs, or in any expression was dangerous, and so it was safer to not have a beautiful home and was safer to not to have or express beauty in many ways in my life, even though I love beauty.


Once I’d realised what the event and belief was that Feather had been pointing me to, I spent time using my Inner Loving Presence Process with that event, as I revisited that experience and listened to that younger me, and gave her a reparative experience.


And then I connected with the Inner Loving Version of the person with whom that experience had happened, and heard from them all that I’d been longing to hear; the empathy, the compassion, the apology. I cried and cried and yawned a bit too.


Afterwards, I felt so relieved. I felt joyful, even. I shared with Mary about it.


Another piece from an old belief around expressing beauty, living in beauty, and sharing about beauty being dangerous had lifted.


I heard myself singing, “every rose has it’s thorn,” and since Life often talks to us in songs, I saw that the meaning for me was that the beautiful rose has a way of protecting itself from being eaten by animals.


And since my surname is Rose, it seemed a clear message, which so fitted with the work I’ve been doing, that I can experience beauty in my life AND be protected and safe.


The miraculous thing was that very shortly afterwards, Feather was jumping, bouncing, and completely well.


He’d gone from clearly uncomfortable, holding his head low, and squealing if he was moved or touched, to bouncing and completely comfortable!


Every time I saw him completely well and comfortable again, I felt amazed.


This really was a miraculous transformation!


And later on, I was reading a novel, and of course the synchronicity came; the book suddenly was talking about roses having thorns! It literally said, “two girls fight over the last white rose on the able with one attempting to tear it from the other’s grasp, forgetting it’s covered in thorns.”


This was also SO relevant to the original painful experience!


I laughed out loud! As my old Field Project teacher used to say so often, “you couldn’t make this stuff up!”


Beauty is a theme that Mary and I have been exploring a lot in our preparation for the Room.


I’ve reconnected with honouring the beauty in matter. I’ve been slowing down, taking more care of my home, and really appreciating the beauty of, for example, being deeply present with the countertop as I wipe it clean.


Today, I’ve spent two hours cleaning my bedroom, washing walls, whilst dancing and singing to music. I’m willing to have beauty and safety. I know that the rose has it’s thorns. Matter matters.


The Room is so much about matter mattering. Being present with the material world. Honouring matter. Seeing the beauty and meaning in matter.


We have a sense that the Room will be ready to open soon and will be sharing more details over the coming days.


Have you been experiencing a different relationship with matter recently, or with caring for your home with presence, or with slowing down and experiencing the messages, or seeing synchronicities, or clearly how the animals around you are deeply interconnected with you?


So much love to you xoxox