I’d love to tell you a bit about my journey with Will – sacred power. I wonder if you resonate, particularly if you’re a mother.
I used to feel deeply uncomfortable saying, “no” to anyone’s requests. So I’d say, “yes,” and end up depleted or resentful, or I’d avoid situations where someone might ask me to do something that I knew I didn’t want to do.
Nowadays, I feel comfortable saying, “no” to people.
I used to feel scared that someone would feel upset in response to something I said or did, and I’d believe I was responsible for their feelings, and would feel desperate sinking inside, a mixture of guilt and shame and self-judgment.
Nowadays, I know that I can always offer someone empathy if they have feelings in response to something I’ve done or haven’t done.
I felt guilty a lot of the time.
I don’t ever feel guilty nowadays.
I used to be able to coerce myself to do things, often for long periods of time, and I could easily ignore tiredness or exhaustion and all my other needs.
I’m not willing to coerce myself into doing things now. I act from willingness, and because of that, I so often feel in a deep sense of flow, energised and in love with what I’m doing.
I used to be terrified about planning things for the future and agreeing to do something consistently, such as course dates.
Now, I feel really comfortable booking in sessions and course call times.
If I wanted my children to do things and they didn’t, I would often feel really powerless.
Nowadays, I understand that my willingness is contagious, and rarely feel powerless.
I often felt deeply powerless around money.
Now, I feel deeply comfortable with money, and grateful for it, and am willing to receive it and use it in benevolent ways.
I often used to feel powerless a lot of the time.
I rarely feel powerless now.
I used to often feel depressed.
I don’t remember the last time I felt depressed.
I used to guilt myself into taking action, and I used to feel guilty if I didn’t do something I wanted to do, or if I did do something I wish I hadn’t.
I don’t ever guilt myself into taking action. I act from willingness, and I don’t ever feel guilty after doing something or not doing something – I’m compassionate with myself instead.
I used to often wish I could do the things that I really wanted to do.
Now, I do most of the things that I really want to do.
I’d often want to do something, and just keep on putting it off and putting it off.
I rarely put off things I really want to do, nowadays.
When I first started making online courses, for about a year, I had challenges with my internet, and so so often felt incredibly powerless. I would also often have technical hitches and glitches where I went between feeling deeply frustrated and deeply powerless.
Nowadays, if I have technical hitches, I know I can connect in with my willingness and feel a deep sense of power in that. I understand how Life is responding to my not-yet-willingness, and what I can do to support myself into coming into willingness.
All these things, for me, are about the will, combined with Love.
Each of us has a willingness channel, which gets silted up with the feelings that come from will-hurts.
The more silted up our willingness channel is, the more powerless and depressed we feel, the less likely we are to take action, or to take action by coercing ourselves with force or guilt.
The more silted up our willingness channel is, the more likely we’ll feel frustrated, Life will appear to be against us, people won’t cooperate with us, and hitches and glitches will tend to show up.
The wonderful thing is, that this is simply silting up.
Nothing is broken.
Nothing is wrong with us.
We’ve simply grown up in a domination culture, experienced will-hurts, haven’t been supported to express them, and haven’t had our innate love-will connection nourished.
The wonderful thing is, that we can unsilt our willingness channel.
We can learn to decolonise ourselves, and stop coercing, forcing and pushing ourselves, and instead deeply and lovingly listen to ourselves and act from a deep sense of willingness.
We can learn to befriend our, “yes” and “no”, our frustration and outrage, and support the natural flow of our life energy.
We can increasingly act from a place of willingness, and experience the life energy that comes with that, along with the deep sense of being supported by Life, as synchronicities, flow and support show up around us.
I am deeply deeply passionate about helping Mothers understand the impact of growing up in a domination culture, and being part of creating a sacred power culture, in their own psyches, with their children, and in the world.
We have such sacred power as Mothers, and we have grown up in a culture that has hoodwinked us into thinking we don’t.
You are profoundly powerful.
Your mothering is deeply powerful.
Your sacred power has an important role in the changing of this paradigm.
I believe in you.
If you would like to do this kind of will-work, I have a number of offerings.
I have The Wonder of Willingness Course – a low-cost course which helps you really understand the will.
I’m doing a live training in The Wonder of Willingness Course this weekend. It’s one of my lowest priced offerings, because I’m so passionate about supporting women and mothers to reclaim their profound sacred power. It’s called: Helping ourselves and our children stay connected with our sacred power through willingness work.
I’m going to be opening doors to Transformation Through Mothering soon!
You might also be interested in my Powerlessness, Power-over and Power-with in Parenting Masterclass,
And/or my Power and Powerlessness in Parenting Course.
Big big love to you! xoxox